Duplicates Journal #2

Duplicates Journal Cycle 4:

It is rather irregular but this is officer Lara and here is my report for the cycle.

This is the brightest and cleanest part of the base. Always so pleasant.

Irregular as a few moments ago found myself in front of an odd glowing portal in a large corridor with no idea how I got there. A small man was gawking at me from a table nearby and then proceeded to ask me many questions that I could not answer. A lot of those questions were directed at how i got here and if i remembered anything, sadly all the answers I could give him were all negative. He slumped in despair, introduced me to the small band of refugees and… Now why did I write refugee?

Meeting the crew (Trix was downstairs causing a flood)

It was pretty hard to talk to Tintagel over the fumes of the lab equipment so I asked Gula, as he was running the curious power generator, as to what I can do to help around here. He said it was mandatory for everyone to run the generators every now and then to always keep the power topped off.

Then he hopped off the generator and explained an incoming crisis to me, which I am recording in this Journal.

“Now look no need to write everything.” Gula said over his shoulder as he started the machine that makes edible mush  from dirt.

I shook my head and explained that I said its my duty to log everything in this journal and I will see to it that it is.

Gula sighed deeply. “Of course… urrgh of course”. Then he sighed some more and then mumbled something I couldnt catch because he had has a rather odd accent.

“Look, our air it is go bad.” He waved around the room. “We breathe out bad air and… no vents so it pools and soon… we choke”. He said with a fearful look.

I have to say that the air does taste a bit stale… So I asked him if there’s a way to fix it as id prefer not choking on bad air.

He pointed at Tintagel, “Professor there, he is making plans to make good air out of water. But its taking long so we use this.” He picked up some green soupy stuff from one of the containers. “We carve out as much of this from lower deck”.

Where there is water there is life… which we can harvest.

“Then we squeeze it out” He then pointed out the extractor.


Algae scented sweet sweet air

I… I think i will end my report here and go to work. I do not fancy choking to death at all.

A peaceful night is always welcome

Duplicates Journal Cycle 5:

Lara looked pale for the entire day and her hands started shaking so she cannot take notes. My fault for telling her of the gravity of our problems. My… speaking skills are rough so I may have made it scarier than it should be, for now at least.

This is Engineer Gula putting my entries into the uh Base journal for the next few cycles to atone for scaring the new guy.

After our esteemed professor has been hard at work on researching ways we can make our matter guns construct finer and more complicated things to ensure our survival. We have access to food, a mush maker to extract the proteins from soil, bigger batteries so we can store more electricity for use on the base, and an actual computer to help with crunching numbers.

Multiple monitors and ergonomic keyboards of course

For now I will not scare the rest of the crew of our impending crisis.


Duplicates Journal Cycle 6:

The bobbing bird adds more framerate of course

We finished the computer and I gave it my final touches. Tintagel assures me that he can unlock the secrets of removing oxygen from water soon so I made double sure because otherwise ill fret myself to death. Thats mostly how I deal with my problems around here, by taking care of the base. Thats how I stay sane.

Sometimes you have to attack problems with a plunger

The gate that we all seem to have come out from is a strange thing. It seems to be attached to nothing and yet glows as if powered. I wanted to take it apart but the others do not want it harmed as it could be our way out. I wanted to press my point to investigate it but… maybe when everyone else is asleep.

Oh it seems to be glowing again… and someone has fallen out!

Well… he can run 

He was set upon by the rest and introductions were made. I know now that I should not scare him so I gave him a job.

Trix said something about hazing but i ignored her

Duplicates Journal Cycle 7:

Engineer Gula still taking down the events for posterity.

Blue = oxygen (good) Brown = carbon dioxide (bad)

The air has started to become stale. We are forced to dig deeper in hopes of finding more algae to extract oxygen from but I fear we are running out of time.

Duplicates Journal Cycle 8:

We found out that there are other living things in these caves.

All teeth and terror

Like the well designed tool that it is, the matter guns have a kill mode.

If it can melt rocks then it should be able to take care of teethy monsters.

By the end of the cycle we moved our beds on a higher elevation so that the carbon dioxide will fall to the lower levels and not pool around us and choke us in our sleep.

Except for Ricardo who refused to move away from the food cache

Lana and Trix were adamant about having a way to grow food from the seeds we found. I cant understand them… these mush bars are pretty tasty.

Food production go!

Duplicates Journal Cycle 9:

Hello it is me Ricardo!

Boss Gula was pigging out on mush bars and couldnt be bothered so Tintagel gave it to me! Since Im on my break well why not?

I am the main person responsible for most of the power in this base. Every beep of the computer and every bloop of the mush machine is 80% powered by me!

Trix finally had her chance and sketched out plans for her beach party place

I was given this role as I am the best runner in this base. No one can outrun me. No one can ever beat me.

So my official title is ‘Runner’ but I scrawled “best ever” on it with a marker just to rub it into everyones faces.

And so im here relaxing in the newly made garden because when the batteries get low theyll have to call my name and this time ill ask them to call me ‘sir’ heeheehee.

Oh the gate is lighting up! I sure hope its a pretty girl heeheehee.

Are runners always uncultured?

She… she… shes also a runner???

And she moved her cot next to the generators for “Maximum training”???

2 of em too!

I uhh I…. Boss Gula I cant write anymore I need to work! Boss!!!

Duplicates Journal Cycle 10:

Engineer Gula logging in the report.

Our base has become very very noisy.

Every now and then a runner screams ‘I SKILLED UP’ then someone else says “DOH!”

While it is nice to see everyone lively… sometimes I miss the peace and quiet.

Apparently the monster with big teeth gave me a bite in the leg, and i failed to notice it till much later so now im forced to take it easy and heal up.

The rocks give me peace


As the cycle winds down let me scrawl out the current state of our base.

It has grown a lot

The red spots on our little map here are where ive found the carbon dioxide to pool. Thankfully, weve planned ahead and raised our sleeping and work places to keep it down there. As long as our algae lasts we can keep breathing.

We have excavated all we can reach and there will be no more of the stuff unless we dig deeper.

Engineer Gula signing out.

Good night!


Oxygen Not Included is a game by the fine folks at Klei entertainment

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